
So, 你在考虑以卡车司机为职业, 或者也许你是卡车司机,但想改变一下. 无论哪种方式, dive into the pros and cons of becoming an owner operator or a company driver to learn what could be best for you.


当涉及到技能组合时,两者本质上是相同的工作? 不太. 虽然基本要求可能是相同的, 这两种立场有许多不同之处.

A company driver is straight forward in that the driver works/drives for the company and represents it. They drive and operate the company’s equipment while the only responsibilities the driver has is the get the load from point a to point b safely, 合法, 和及时的.

业主经营者, 在大多数情况下, 操作自己的设备,在哪里有发言权, 他们何时以及如何决定逃跑. That being said, they fall under a lot more responsibilities than a company driver. They are financially responsible for their own fuel, insurance, equipment upkeep and repairs. There are technically three types of owner-operators; Lease Operators (leasing the truck from the company), 租赁购买(在与全球十大网赌正规平台签订合同的同时租赁拥有您的卡车), and self employed independent contractors (you purchase everything outright and contract for individual loads). 每个司机根据自己的需要做出不同的选择,我们将在下面介绍.


There is no real answer to this as it all depends on your priorities, experience, and goals. 例如, an owner operator has more control over their schedule while a company driver is committed to whatever loads the company needs them to run. 你需要更多地呆在家里,对自己的日程安排有更多的控制权吗? 你需要稳定的收入和更可预测的日程安排吗? 这些都是在选择其中一个时要问的问题.

从业主营运商开始, 一个需要调整的隐藏技能是你的财务组织. Most drivers out that that have found success running their own authority will tell you the key to bring you success is making sure you are on top of your budget and know your finances inside and out. 猜测, rounding and overestimating your revenue and expenses can be detrimental to even the most seasoned driver. 业主经营者 has to keep the cost of running their business top of mind while remaining revenue driven. It’s no secret that the cost of maintenance and repairs can eat up your profits so it’s critical to plan ahead and be strategic in what loads you decide to commit to. 如果你在经营自己的生意方面有经验,并且有理财的诀窍, 成为业主经营者对你来说可能很容易.

如果你想要更多的可预测性和有保障的收入, 全球十大网赌正规平台开车将是更好的路线. 作为全球十大网赌正规平台的司机,你可以在路上呆更长的时间, but you will not have to worry about paying for your equipment or repairs that you may incur. 如果选择这条路线, it’s important to know that you won’t have as much control over your schedule and the pay may be a bit lower depending on how the company chooses to pay you (by the mile or a daily flat rate). 通常情况下,如果你是一个新司机,最好从全球十大网赌正规平台司机开始. Some companies have lease options that could get your feet wet in the owner operator world without fully committing to your own authority.


评估你目前的情况,确定你的优先事项是什么. If you are getting into trucking or have been in trucking with the goal of becoming a business owner, 所有者操作符可能是路由. 如果你是游戏新手,需要快速积累经验, 你一定会获得当全球十大网赌正规平台司机所需的经验. Which ever you choose, take the time to think about it and research each one and what to expect.


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