
Not everyone we come in contact is savvy of the key players and their functions in the industry so we would like to shed some light on who they are and their role in the industry. Many of you already know or know of the organization and their purpose but t在这里 may be a few things to learn from the following information.


The FMCSA (The Federal Motor Carrier 安全 Administration) was born out of the Motor Carrier 安全 Improvement Act of 1999 to function under the U.S. 十大彩票平台部(DOT). 该法案 导致:

“Amend Federal transportation law to establish in the Department of Transportation a Motor Carrier 安全 Administration, 有一个独立的客车部门, which shall perform all functions currently performed by the Office of Motor Carrier and Highway 安全 of the Federal Highway Administration.”

简而言之, they were made to be the leaders in transportation safety and create safety management program and other operations to enforce that safety. The safety management program is derived from a SMS/CSA score that is calculated for each carrier which includes:

·        “不安全驾驶——违规驾驶,如超速、换道不当、注意力不集中.

·        Fatigued driving — evaluated using driver hours of service (HOS) records that are usually recorded on an electronic logging device (ELD), 因为开车时间过长被认为是疲劳的证据.

·        司机健康——包括培训、医疗问题、执照和证书.

·        受管制物质/酒精——可能需要进行药物测试.

·        车辆保养——违规的例子包括机械缺陷或装载不当.

·        Hazardous materials compliance — covers the regulations on safe handling and proper documentation for these materials.

·        事故指标-在事故中发生高事故的历史或模式, 最近的事件比过去的事件更重要.”

因为有多种尺寸的汽车十大彩票平台船, 从船东运营商到大型船队, 它们根据大小被分成各自的部分. 这有助于FMCSA做出切合实际的结论,并对违规行为做出更准确的反应.

T在这里 are many programs that have come from the FMCSA to assist companies with safety as well as grants for financial assistance to carriers and other organizations reach critical goals. 以下是其中的一些:


The MCSAP is a federal grant program that provides financial assistance to States to reduce the number and severity of crashes and hazardous materials incidents involving commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) through consistent, 统一的, 以及有效的CMV安全计划. The MCSAP is FMCSA's largest grant program that supports State and local law enforcement agencies to utilize over 12,在全国范围内加强执法和安全活动.


The CDLPI grant provides financial assistance to States to achieve compliance with the requirements of 49 CFR Parts 383 and 384. 另外, the CDLPI grant program provides financial assistance for other entities capable of executing national projects that aid States in their compliance efforts and that will improve the national Commercial Driver's License (CDL) program.


CMVOST资助计划, has two goals: 1) to expand the number of CDL holders possessing enhanced operator safety training to help reduce the severity and number of crashes on U.S. roads involving commercial motor vehicles; and 2) to assist current or former members of the United States Armed Forces and their spouses to receive training to transition to the CMV operation industry.”

阅读更多有关计划和赠款的信息 在这里


根据 国会.政府 the FMCSA is to be “headed by an Administrator (with professional experience in motor carrier safety) appointed by the President, 经过参议院的建议和同意.”

So, for right now Jack Van Steenburg is the Executive Director and Chief 安全 Officer as well as a team that supports the organization. 在他的位置上 he “负责加强FMCSA与联邦政府的重要战略伙伴关系, 状态, 地方政府, 高速公路安全社区的成员, 行业利益相关者和驾驶公众. 作为中情局级别最高的职业雇员, he leads the Agency’s Congressionally mandated mission to save lives by reducing the severity and the number crashes involving large trucks and buses. 他负责确保FMCSA仍然是一门科学, 数据驱动的组织, 完全透明,完全负责.”

而奥. Steenburg在汽车安全合规方面有着丰富的经验, 他的大部分职业生涯是在25年的执法生涯中度过的.

你可以阅读更多关于这个团队的信息 在这里.


在FMCSA成立之前,它不一定是“狂野的西部”,但自成立以来, 该组织制定了安全标准, 不管它们看起来多么严格, 改变了卡车十大彩票平台业的面貌吗. Whether protecting the driver or the every-day four wheelers on the road they have put in place measures that prevent overly tired truckers from getting behind the wheel, 试图减少路上不健康的人的数量, 还有很多其他看得见的和看不见的好处.

尽管遵守这些类型的组织在美国.S. 会不会很乏味,有时还会很痛苦, 总体目标是使用任何可用的资源来维护安全.

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